Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Update: June 9, 2009

The lung infection remains mostly unchanged. The lab results we are anxiously anticipating, were not available today. I am coughing and wheezing and weak. I am formulating the next plan of attack. If there is no improvement tomorrow, I will call and request a chest CT Scan late tomorrow. Based on those findings, I may have to be desensitized to another drug on Thursday. Please pray that God will not allow this infection to run rampant in my immune compromised body, as we make decisions and treatment plans.

I feel vulnerable and an easy target for fungi and bacteria seeking a home. Since losing most of my body's ability to fight infections, I am even more amazed at what the normal God-created human body accomplishes each day, to keep humans healthy. The human immune system is complex beyond what words can describe. Its mysteries puzzle the most brilliant immunologists' minds. God's masterpiece, man, will never be fully understood or conquered by modern medicine and mortal man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My prayers continue for you in this trying time. Infections do heal so I'm praying that your lung problem will soon be solved. Our Heavenly Father will see you through this.
Love, Peg