Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Healthcare Exodus

A secondary battle is emerging on the verge of the initiation of my treatment. Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield is at odds with our local hospital (and vice versa). The greed of the medical system is truly emerging. Patient care is most always secondary to the financial bottom line. If a contract agreement is not achieved by July 31, 2009, Blue Cross patients such as me (and thousands of others in our community) will be charged out-of-network charges. If you battle a chronic illness, as I do, this will mean thousands of dollars in unpaid charges that the patient will be forced to absorb.

I cannot calculate how the hospital will fare financially better by forcing thousands of us to obtain services at other locations. If a contract is not agreed upon, I will be forced to be treated and hospitalized in Indianapolis – a two hour drive for us. I cannot even envision the burden of this travel will place on my family and me. Most concerning to me, is that I will be midway through a treatment cycle that will be forced to new facilities and doctors, unfamiliar with my care.

Instantaneously on August 1, 2009, hundreds of thousands of dollars for my annual healthcare will depart from the local healthcare providers and economy. I am not a financial analyst, but multiplying my scenario by thousands of other local Anthem patients transferring care, appears like an atomic bomb to the sustainability of the local hospital.

Even more ironic is the fact the local hospital is currently constructing a new multi-million dollar facility with more beds. If this impasse cannot be resolved, I foresee many empty beds as the area Anthem patients make a mass exodus to new doctors, hospitals, and oncologists who participate in Anthem contracts.

If you are a local resident and Blog reader, please take a moment to call the local hospital and urge them to resolve their differences with Anthem. Outpatient services should not be billed or reimbursed as inpatient services. If your Anthem insurance coverage is through a local employer or union, please contact them and be certain those managing your policies are aware of this looming threat to healthcare services due to Anthem’s declining reimbursements and unwillingness to negotiate and compromise. Many of my healthcare providers could not remain in business if they relied solely upon Anthem's deeply discounted reimbursements. Both parties are at fault to some degree - it is time for this impasse to be resolved because lives are depending upon it!

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