Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cheese, Please!

If you detect an increase in my cheese consumption, I will explain to you the reason for the new craving. Rituxan, the treatment I will begin early Friday morning, contains small amounts of protein from mouse tissue. Rituxan is referred to as a chimeric antibody since it is made from tissues from two different species.

With past exposures to Rituxan, I did not observe an increase in fur or tail length. I did spend increased time scurrying about the house at night, but it is believed that was related more to the increased steroid doses than the chimeric antibody inducing mouse-like characteristics in me.

Put up the mouse traps. Guard your cheese. You never know what might happen to me after eight weeks of mouse tissue being infused into my body.

1 comment:

Celeste Maia said...

Stacie, I will be praying that everything goes smoothly starting tomorrow at 6 p.m.
You have a lovely blog. You are able to communicate so clearly about all the issues that concern us all with CLL.
Thinking of you, Celeste