Monday, January 19, 2009

Thank You for Your Prayers: Update

I am home. :-)

I continue with a higher temperature today. That is concerning. My day started at 7:30 this morning and I arrived back home around 6:00 PM. Thank you for upholding me in prayer.

The desensitization to Cipro went well (at least one thing did today!) I didn't have any allergic reactions and now have 2 full doses in along with the Biaxin. If the cultures grow out an organism by Wednesday that is not sensitive to these two drugs, I will have to return and be re-desensitized to another antibiotic.

My Mom watched the sinus puncture and I believe she wished she had not seen this procedure. She said I yelled as they punctured through the bone. :-) Guess I am a chicken! :-) I had some bleeding since my platelets are a bit low but alot of pressure stopped it.

I remain severely neutropenic (absence of Neutrophils that fight infection). Anthem Blue Cross said that Neupogen injections that I need (to increase Neutrophils) is only covered when neutropenia is caused by chemotherapy. Call me stupid, but I didn't know there was a difference between neutropenia from leukemia or neutropenia from chemotherapy - either way, I have an ANC of 800. I wonder if Anthem considers what a stay in ICU is going to cost if I don't beat this infection back?

I am trusting that God knows best and if the door is closed on these injections, I will have to trust Him and not my own logic. The doctor's office is going to call Anthem in the morning, so if approval is granted, then I will go back each day for an injection.

The larger picture is that we are going to have to locate and decide upon some type of treatment as it is obvious that my bone marros is failing from the 98 percent leukemia in the marrow. That is evidenced by declining Red Blood Cells, platelets, and Neutrophils. At Ohio State, when I questioned the specialist to tell me if he thought I could survive anymore chemotherapy, he stated that it would be difficult. If you have time to add a prayer for divine direction and wisdom for me, I will be most grateful.

Thank you, all, for praying and for your words of encouragement. We are so blessed to all have each others' prayers and support. When I am weak, He is strong. And when I am weak, I can sense the power of your prayers holding me up when my strength is exhausted.

1 comment:

Cip said...

We are praying, Stacie. We are praying.