Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Update & Request for Treatment: July 8, 2009

Treatment has infused for today without reactions or complications. I now sit and watch IV fluids rush into my veins to aid in the fight to prevent Tumor Lysis Syndrome. I am groggy from premedications and tired from sitting for over 7 hours in this chair. Who knew that sitting could be tiring?

Before I began adhering to this anti-cancer diet, time could be passed here with a lunch delivery from a favorite restaurant or snacking on yummy snacks. Today the hours on the clock have slowly moved from hour to hour to hour to ....... My scientific observation is that time passes more slowly when drinking liters of water and barley grass with kelp and feasting (or should that be fasting) on almonds, red grapes, and a veggie sandwich?

We did not repeat labs today, but we will in the morning. I will receive another Neupogen injection today to help my body's defenses to fight infection.

Thank you for your prayers - I sense God's power, peace and presence accompanying me each day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also sense His mighty power. Your faith is so strong, your bible studies are great and He is most assuredly with you!

Love ya, Tina