Sunday, July 19, 2009


Perspective is the evaluation of a certain fact from one person's point of view. Sixty two and one-half percent would be evaluated as a miserable failure by a student receiving this score on a final examination or vital research paper. Yet, for the patient (me) calculating the percentage of treatments that are completed, a sixty two and one-half percent completion rate is cause to celebrate.

This week I will complete three-fourths of the scheduled treatments on Thursday. It seems as though I have been locked in this weekly cycle of treatment for a very long time. Our weekly schedules are gradually conforming to accommodate the treatments yet they still tend to be a nuisance that I would prefer to eliminate. If, upon completion, I have achieved some degree of remission, the treatment nuisance will be worth the time, effort, and resources that we have invested.

I state "we" because cancer treatment becomes a family affair with everyone contributing to assist. It takes a "village" to support the cancer patient. My husband and parents have driven me to or picked me up from the cancer center or hospital. My parents and twin daughters have helped me to care for our precious grandson. He is becoming stronger and faster and during these past months, I have become weaker and slower. That combination does not equate and added manpower has been recruited. Friends and family have cooked for us or brought meals to us to help lighten the load at home. Our youngest daughter, my husband, a son-in-law and friends have become bone marrow donors or donated blood in my honor. Both causes that are admirable and appreciated by those of us dependent upon blood transfusions, immunoglobulin treatments or transplants. Prayers have been spoken on my behalf and words of encouragement have been received. Our family doctor provides exceptional care and support during each step of this battle. Leukemia specialists from around the USA and around the world have graciously given of their wide-ranging understand of this leukemia to offer me guidance and advice. The chemo nurses have been professional and compassionate and provided me with exceptional care. This "village" of caregivers has been wide-ranging and faithful in their efforts to help me to heal.

I may have completed only 62.5% of my treatments but those around me have given 100% to help me during this time! Words cannot describe the gratitude I hold in my heart for each of you.


Deb Light said...

You are getting there Stac!Sure hope and pray you get a good remission from this!One Day at a time!!

Thoughts & Prayers,

John Wagner said...

I will celebrate with you! Still praying.