Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Prescription for Improved Health: BLOG!

A Georgetown study, in The Oncologist (February 2008) reported that “expressive writing by cancer patients could have benefits such as improved immune function and reduced pain”. My blogging imparts the highs and lows of my lengthy battle with leukemia. I disclose the depths of my soul and victories and defeats of this battle with my Blog readers. Words flow more fluidly from my keyboard than from my mouth. As I detail treatment plans and decision, infectious threats, or the physical pain and suffering I experience, written words are more precise and detailing than verbiage passed from family member to friend to prayer partner.

As I write about the struggles against cancer, a failing immune system, and treatment decisions, I can sense the burdens of these battles lighten. I am reassured that faithful followers who read my requests for prayers and daily struggles are going to pray for me. Galatians 6:2 instructs us: “Bear one another’s burdens.” I am grateful for those of you who truly help to bear my burdens. I can imagine an army of loved ones shouldering my burdens and carrying them to the Lord in prayer. I envision your support and suddenly my load is lightened.

I am grateful that through over a decade of dealing with cancer, I have never had to seek professional counseling. The counsel of the Lord has been my ultimate Authority and Hope. Psalm 33:11 reassures me that “The counsel of the Lord stands forever.” Over and over, I have uttered prayers of hopelessness and despair to Him. I have written from the depths of my life battles. I have listened to the Comforter and the counsel of brothers and sisters in Christ. He has lifted my spirits and my thoughts. And we know that when stress is lessened, that the immune system is better functioning.

To my daily doses of prayer, prescription medications, alternative medications, I will continue to add my dose of Blogging.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Thats great!

I knew blogging had its advantages!!!

Keep on blogging girlie!

I will continue to pray for you!