Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Prayer for Today: July 27, 2008

My Precious Lord,We are forever grateful for the mercy and forgiveness you have extended to us. You alone have rescued us over and over from ourselves. Your patience has been amazing - never giving up on us, even when we fail You.

I praise you God for being willing to sacrifice your own Son for us. My human mind cannot fathom that type of love and passion for a lost world. Time after time, You alone have heard our prayers and seen our tears and rescued us. You have answered prayers too numerous to list.

And for those prayers, we have been tempted to believe that were not answered, we know eternity will reveal how You alone were working in the midst of those situations, as well. We could not have made it through the trials and tribulations of this life without YOU. You alone have been our Peace, our Hope, our Sustainer, our Healer, our Everything.

In the dark of night, in the loneliness of the hospital room, in the midst of pain too difficult to describe, You have stood guard and comforted and counseled and consoled us. Your Word has been our constant companion.

We are regretful for the days we never looked at your Word to seek its power and teachings. How our lives could have been different if we had learned more of you and obeyed more of Your Teachings. Help us to be more faithful to You and Your Word. We want to absorb more and more of your Word – it is life to those who find it and health to all their flesh. You alone know the pain and suffering in each broken body represented on this forum. And I am convinced that many of us would have died long ago had it not been for Your constant, abiding presence and healings that you have granted to so many of us.

Father, we long to be well. Strengthen us and help us to feel better. Show us what you want each of us to do on earth. Remove anything that we may want to do, and in its place, plant what YOU want us to achieve with our lives. We want the privilege to be of eternal value to your Kingdom. We want a Kingdom-assignment or position that is God-granted and Spirit-supervised.

Lord, I will write, but I need for You to breathe words into my flesh, otherwise, the words will be empty and void. Your Words never return void and I seek that type of power and presentation with the words I write and pray. You know how I long to see my family saved and serving you. I long to see them overcome with the desire to love and serve you in these last days. I long for the Rapture where we can meet you in the sky as the trumpet sounds. No death or graves for us. Come Lord Jesus to meet us in the sky. I love you and praise you for all you do for us.In my Precious Savior’s Name I pray. Amen.

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