Sunday, September 26, 2010

An Update & Request for Prayer: September 26, 2010

I am back home from the hospital, having received my treatments at the hospital on Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday, I completed the cycle of Tobramycin but continue on the antifungal. I have felt so lousy and my problems breathing, coughing, and malaise continue.

I anticipate that we will know more tomorrow or Tuesday, once my family doctor consults with the infectious disease doctor again. One of my respected leukemia advisers told me that the silver stain stating "Acute Inflammation" indicates pneumonia in my lungs. Today, my temperature was slightly lower and although I continue to cough and wheeze, I see a minute improvement today. Unfortunately, my white blood count jumped by 20,000 since yesterday. This makes us suspect a worsening of infection. I know the dark, damp lungs provide just the environment that molds and fungi desire. Work, medicines, work!

My kidney function is improving but now my liver enzymes are elevated. I am blessed that my other organs are all in good working order as they attempt to flush and filter so many harsh medications.

My PICC line is performing flawlessly and is not as painful as the last PICC. Please continue to pray that I do not get an infection in my bloodstream from the PICC. Lil Man must not like this contraption on Grammy's arm - he points to my PICC line and says, "Cut it out!"

I return to the cancer center Monday through Friday for the IV's and then will repeat the next weekend back at the hospital. I still have a long, long treatment road ahead of me -- 12 more days at the least.

My friend Sarah discovered a couple of books with encouraging integrative cancer information and she purchased those for me and I anticipate delivery tomorrow! I will have some new reading material to occupy my IV time. Thank you for thinking of me, Sarah.

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