Thursday, September 23, 2010

How Much More Can She Take?

How much can a human body and mind endure? Some have asked this question of me lately. Granted, my life is full to overflowing with suffering and difficulties. Yet when I reflect on the suffering of my Savior and other heroes of the faith, I am ashamed to even consider that I am suffering.

The Apostle Paul's New Testament writings always inspire me. And when we consider Paul's life and the suffering he endured for the cause of Christ and how brightly his life, testimony, and writings shined despite his life challenges, our spirits should be inspired. No matter if our life circumstances are not as we had hoped or dreamed or if the pain (either physical, emotional or relational) is seemingly unbearable, through each situation we should be seeking God and asking Him how we can bring glory to Him and His Kingdom through our trials. We should strive to know God more deeply and His Word more intimately.

Flogged. Beaten. Shipwrecked. As I read and reread the Book of Acts, I am poignantly struck at how insignificant most of our sufferings as modern day Christians are when compared to what Paul and other Christian martyrs have endured.

For most modern day Christians who don't have a prayer answered according to THEIR will, in THEIR timing or who face some "light and momentary troubles" such as illness, relational challenges or financial concerns, they are ready to toss in the spiritual towel. Give up. Quit. And just blame God and become angry and bitter.

We will benefit by following the persevering attitude of Paul. Amidst his beatings, being shipwrecked, and persecution, Paul witnessed to all about Christ. The words he penned in his New Testament writings continue to breathe life and hope into those who read the words ages later.

Today may we each consider if we have become fair weathered, mountaintop Christians - only praising, serving and acknowledging God when life is playing out on OUR own terms and life is good. If so, we need to do a life reassessment and realize that during the valleys of life - when we are suffering so deeply we sense that our body will fail or our souls will collapse - we need to imitate Paul and be the most serious about our efforts to witness to God's goodness and His plan of salvation to each lost soul.

So often the most broken vessel is of immense value to the Kingdom .......

Paul wrote in 2 Timothy:

But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra—what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.

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