Friday, September 19, 2008

A New Term for the Medical Vocabulary

A new word has unfortunately crept into my medical vocabulary -- vasculitis. There is some speculation, as we await biopsy results, that this skin lesion on my leg could be indicative of vasculitis. I hope and pray that this will not be the case and if it is the case, that this will be a one-time bout with that disease.

Vasculitis is an auto-immune disease. In other words, due to the suppression and distress of my own immune system, it is confused. Thus, my immune system begins attacking parts of my own body as a foreign invader that the healthy immune system would only attack a bacteria or virus, for instance. In this suspected form of vasculitis (Leucocytoclastic vasculitis), my immune system could be attacking my own blood vessels. If this disease advances, it can begin attacking one's vessels in the vital organs (very serious).

Please agree in prayer with me as we await the results from this second biopsy that this lesion will prove to be nothing serious. If Leucocytoclastic vasculitis is diagnosed, there is a chance that it would need to be treated with chemotherapy (and you probably recall what the OSU oncologist told me in July about my odds of surviving chemotherapy). We'll try to forget that remark for the time being.

God has never failed me. I am trusting Him for long life and restoration of my body as it is so broken right now.

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