Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Believe in Angels!

Hebrews 1:14:
"Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?"

Some background information for my readers to consider before reading about my experience today: Many of my readers know that today I have been planning to begin the new alternative treatments that I have been discussing with the University of Washington researcher. In addition to the two treatments that I am beginning this week, the researcher also stated that I could take Pawpaw http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pawpaw .

As with past treatments, I always pray and ask the Lord to give me a sign that I am to proceed with my intended plans. I trust His ways far more than my ways, therefore, I always ask for God's help and guidance. Thus, I have been intently praying the last few days for God to give me that sign that I was to proceed with today's plans to initiate treatment with these two new products.

Fast forward to around noon today: I needed to take Vitamins C and E along with a spoon of a dairy product such as a natural ice cream or yogurt to aid with the digestion of the new treatments. I went to our local pharmacy and purchased those three items. I returned to my car and was leaning over the console, attempting to put my ice cream in a cooler so that it would not melt on the drive to my doctor's office (where I was scheduled to take the first treatment).

Suddenly, I sensed that someone was watching me. I sat up and there was an elderly woman with snow-white hair peeking in my driver's side window. Although startled, I smiled and asked her, "May I help you?"

And she replied, "Would you like to buy a bag of Pawpaws?"

At that very moment, the connection had not been rendered between my heart and mind and I told her I didn't think so. She walked around the side of the building and I had my "ah ha" moment. I had been praying for a sign from my Heavenly Father and I believe with all my heart this was an angel He sent to ask me if I needed a bag of Pawpaws (the third element of this treatment protocol)!

I put my car into gear, knowing that I wanted to find my "Pawpaw Angel" and purchase that bag of Pawpaws she had offered to me. And she was nowhere in sight. I circled the building and there was no elderly woman, no car or truck selling Pawpaws from the tailgate or trunk, no one.

I immediately called my husband, Mom, daughters, and best friend and told them about my encounter. We were all reassured that an angel had truly been in my midst, sent to comfort, reassure me, and to provide that "sign" that I had been praying for all week. After all, how many times have you gotten into your car at CVS to have an elderly woman ask you if you'd like to buy a bag of Pawpaws?

And as my best friend and I reflected on the phone and realized how foolish it all sounds to be battling cancer and have a combination of a plant from China, a fatty acid, and a Pawpaw plant taken with a spoonful of Haagen-Dazs natural vanilla ice cream to battle leukemia. We were both reminded that Jesus moistened some mud with his saliva and patted it on a pair of blinded eyes and they opened and were able to see again.

Isaiah 55:8 “ 'For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
nor are your ways My ways,' says the LORD."

I confidently proceeded to the doctor's office and took the first product of the protocol, knowing that it would not harm me.


Anonymous said...

Wow Stac I love that story!! I believe in Angels too and if that wasn't a sign,what was?? By the way what is a PawPaw??I've never seen anyone selling them anywhere that I know of!! I have heard of them though!

God Bless,

Lynda said...

Wow! That is really awesome! I believe in Angels and I agree with you that this was a sign from God. I'm with Deb, I've never seen anyone selling pawpaw's EVER.

Amazing story! Thanks so much for sharing!