Saturday, August 15, 2009

An Update & Request for Prayer: August 15, 2009

I wanted to post a brief update prior to our leaving for Ohio State. Please pray for us to have safe travel as we leave tomorrow morning to return to see my leukemia specialist at Ohio State University. We will return late on Monday. I expect the usual multiple tubes of blood drawn for extensive testing, a possible bone marrow biopsy, and my consultation with this expert to see if he has any new treatments in his research pipeline.

Insurance has moved quickly and has already approved four additional weeks of the Rituxan treatment for me, if I decide on Monday (after the OSU consultation) that this is the route I am going to follow. If I decide to continue treatment, in an effort to further knock back the leukemic tumor load, it will most likely begin next Wednesday and Thursday.

My "13th Cancer-Versary and Coming Off Party" is scheduled for next Saturday - if I return to treatment, I suppose we should change the party's title to the "13th Cancer-Versary and Return to Rituxan Party".

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