Saturday, September 5, 2009

Update & Request for Prayer: September 5, 2009

God is listening to our prayers. I have had a better day today. Over the years, I have watched many fellow leukemia warriors' lives be taken by fungal lung infections. I have had to battle fear from attacking as I fight this fungal lung infection. In a matter of days, a fungi can take over the lungs in an immune compromised patient. Thanks for also praying for me not to be fearful.

I went to bed last night, so ill, and I began searching my Bible for Promises that He has made to me - I made a list before I went to sleep so that I can pray them over and over as I battle this most recent infection.

Tonight my temperature is 98.1! Praise God - it is normally in the 97.4 range, so it remains a bit elevated, yet it is so much better than this week's high 99's. Since I am so immune compromised, my body cannot run a very high fever with infection. That makes it difficult because I can have life-threatening infections with a temperature of 99.

Also, my pulse had been 100-110 since Wednesday and it is down to 80 tonight! My doctor said that if my pulse ox began to decline, that would be a poor prognostic indicator for me, so I am very grateful that it is running in the 98-99% range.

I have taken probiotics and worn my Sea-bands all day and I have not had the nausea and diarrhea of yesterday.

My Ohio State University oncologist wants me to meet with their transplant team's infectious disease specialists, so it looks like we will be making trips to OSU in late September and in October.

We are attempting to coordinate how I can receive IVIG (immune treatment I receive every 28 days) AND IV Micafungin on September 21 - it may not be possible as an outpatient, so I may have to be admitted. Also, the current plan is to give me a pneumonia vaccine four days prior to the IVIG (in preparation for H1N1 season). Doctors do not anticipate the vaccine being effective - it takes an intact immune system to mount a response to vaccines. Yet, we must make an effort as all physicians involved are very concerned if I should contract H1N1. Also, it has to be carefully times as IVIG's antibodies will destroy any vaccine. We will need to administer it when my IgG level is at its lowest point in the 28 day cycle of IVIG.

My IV will be at 8 AM tomorrow. Please pray that I will not have a reaction - today I chilled through the entire infusion and tomorrow we will be infusing it without the protection of steroid premedications. I will go to the hospital when I finish so that I can have labs drawn this holiday weekend.

We were blessed with Lil Man time today. This afternoon after sleeping, I even felt like a trip to a cheese festival. They had shetland pony rides and Lil Man took his first pony ride. We should have purchased a pony and not a Little Tikes swing set/castle for his birthday! I should have thought of that!

I probably should not have gone because I am so exhausted and in pain tonight, however, my heart and spirit feel so much better. It is vital for me to carve out whatever size niche of time to do something "non-medical" - it is the only way I can maintain sanity (and that is sometimes in question!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My spirit is soaring! I am so glad to hear your temp is down. And I have no doubt that Lil' Man has some healing abilities from God too :o)

Love, Tina