-History of United States by Noah Webster
The November election is fast approaching. With our nation in such dire straits, it is vital for Americans to truly review the candidates and their platforms. If you are a Christian, you need to find an accurate assessment of what the candidates stand for and compare those platforms to what God's Word says is important and right. Go to: www.praythevote.org or http://www.frcaction.org/get.cfm?i=VR08G01 .
I read an interesting piece authored by David Freddoso, The Case Against Barack Obama, it documents that "Obama is probably the most pro-abortion presidential candidate in history. He worked to block a bill—virtually identical to the federal law he now claims to support— in the Illinois legislature that would have made it illegal to kill or deny care to children born alive in failed abortion procedures. He beat Hillary Clinton to the NARAL Pro-Choice America endorsement in the Democratic primaries. Obama has vowed to sign the Freedom of Choice Act, of which he is a Senate co-sponsor. This legislation, which supporters say will codify Roe v. Wade, would nullify every official abortion restriction in the country. And Obama supports taxpayer-funded abortion, even though the Hyde Amendment has done more to reduce abortions than any other pro-life policy."
I personally know of two families desperately seeking and waiting for children. Women do have a choice even when lives are salvaged from abortion -- it is called adoption. A loving family could be found for every infant who is aborted and killed. We cannot allow candidates with such strong pro-abortion views to be allowed into office.
There are no perfect men. Romans 3:23 tells us: "For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Therefore, I cast my votes for men and women who best represent God's standards on issues. Corruption is rampant in government and Washington. It is clear from Noah Webster's quote (above) that this corruption has been caused by voters not electing God-fearing and God-serving men and women to places of authority.
This year, I voted by absentee ballot for the first time. The last two elections I found myself in the hospital and unable to vote. Therefore, I requested my absentee ballot early and I learned several things about the voting process.
Firstly, I appreciated having the time with my ballot where I could methodically review it, pray and ponder my decisions.
Secondly, four judges' names were on the ballot and voters were being asked if they should be retained or not. I was able to go online and analyze their records on the bench. Upon review, only one of the four held views similar to mine, so three of the four judges were voted against on my ballot.
Lastly, despite the threat of illness or a hospital stay, I am pleased that my vote has been cast and my voice has been heard. It is heartbreaking to think of the Americans who do not educated themselves about candidates and issues and then head to the voting booth to cast their votes. It is a privilege, won by the shed blood of freedom fighters, to vote in a free election.
Author's Note: Undoubtedly, there will be someone who reads this post who has had an abortion. My writings in no way condemn you for a decision that you made. God loves you, forgives you and will help you heal from the heartache that abortion can cause to women.
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