Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank You, Veterans

I am thankful, today and everyday, to live in the land of the free. I can worship as I choose without fear of persecution. I can dress as I please and speak as I please. Doors are open for people of all races, economical background, and sex to obtain an education. I am free to vote for whom I please and to display signs for those I support.

I realize today and everyday that my freedoms are the direct result of the men and women who have fought on behalf of my country. I am grateful for the sacrifices that military families, even today, are making so that their loved one can work to defend and protect our nation.From the low-tech battles of the World Wars to the high-tech battles of the Iraqi War, soldiers have remained unchanged. They are husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, and sons and daughters called to defend and protect our freedoms and the USA.

Thank you, veterans.

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