Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Prayer for Today: November 12, 2008

Precious Lord,

I am grateful that You live in our lives and in our hearts. In this season of thanksgiving, we lift our hearts full of gratefulness to You. You are precious to us and we rejoice that we can call you Father. Thank You for the sacrifice that you made for each of us on Calvary’s cross. Thank You for never leaving nor forsaking us. There is none like You, Lord.

I thank You for all that You do for each of us, Lord. Thank You for bringing strength to those who are weak and discouraged. Thank You for your daily provisions of food, shelter and clothing. May we never take such things for granted but never let us be too focused on the trappings of this world. Thank You for allowing us to live in a free country.

With that spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving, may we be reminded daily of Your goodness and mercy, Lord. Strengthen our spirits so that we will not become too focused on the struggles of this life – for they are only temporary concerns and problems. We continue on, as pilgrims, with this journey called life. We know that this world is not our permanent home and for that I rejoice. A promised land awaits each of us who has accepted you as Lord and Savior. May our eyes and hearts remain focused on You.

In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

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