Thursday, April 16, 2009


In this era of instant messaging and text messaging, most of you know what "BFF" represents. Best Friends Forever. I have been blessed with many best friends in my life - and all of you know who you are and what your friendships mean to me.

Today is the 45th Birthday (best friends can reveal such information about each other) of my BFF Dawn. The beautiful part of our friendship is that we have been friends since we were infants. I was born 5 months before Dawn. Our parents were best friends and we began playing together and chumming around as tiny babies. Few people can admit having a BFF for a lifetime. We are blessed to share such a story.

We have been through the high points of life and the very deepest, darkest moments of our lives. We have cheered for each other, prayer for each other, and cried with each other. We encourage each other and have noticed that when one of us is at our lowest point, the other is usually at her highest point. Isn't that just how God works in our lives?

So today, I wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my BFF Dawn! May God bless you and keep you for many, many more years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope Dawn had a wonderful birthday!! She's lucky to have you for a BFF!!