Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Praise God, the fourth antibiotic FINALLY appears to be making small improvements. I inhaled and exhaled a normal breath overnight. I never thought breathing could feel foreign to me but it did last night. We take breathing for granted until we cannot inhale and exhale. What a glorious feeling to breathe. Way to go God!

My cough has lessened and the oxygen levels have improved. I am still experiencing shortness of breath but I think it is probably more related to the low hemoglobin now instead of the pulmonary infections.

The blood loss needs to stop now in Jesus Name or the doctor said I will have to be admitted for more transfusions. Please agree in prayer with me that can avoid that. They will check a daily blood count in an effort to catch the hemoglobin before it drops as dangerously low as a couple of weeks ago.

This month's need for blood made me once again reflect on the selfless people who donate blood. If you are a blood donor, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Each month I require the blood product (immunoglobulin) donations of over 3000 people. Then when critical times emerge for cancer patients, red blood cells and platelets become life-saving resources. If you are a donor, thank you. If you are considering blood donation, I encourage you today to give the true gift of life.

I will go for IV Tobramycin this afternoon at the cancer center. Our oldest daughter is helping me today so Lil Man will be here soon with her. He is the best medicine!

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