Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Prayer for Today: September 19, 2009

Precious Father,

We are gracious for the beauty You have placed in our lives. To witness beauty in butterflies, the oceans, the azure blue skies, the golden rods and daisies – we are grateful for our eyes that can witness such beauty. And for those who may not have physical vision, but who have spiritual eyes to see, I am certain they are rejoicing at the warmth of Your presence in their lives. May You enlighten those who struggle with vision difficulties and allow their minds and spirits to envision and sense the beauty around them.

I am grateful that You are not willing that any shall perish – falling short of achieving eternal life. An eternity spent in the depths of hell is beyond my comprehension and I pray that none whom I love will enter the gates of Hell. You are a patient God who will wait on the lost son or daughter to turn to You (or return to You). Forgive us when we fail You or try Your patience, Father. May our lives reflect You, Lord.

Give each of us the heart of an intercessor. Holy Spirit, prompt us to pray for one another. Comfort each one who is suffering. Encourage each heart that is broken. Restore each family that is struggling. Deliver each life being attacked by the enemy of this world. Change each heart that attempts to stray from You. May we always believe You and Your Word.

In Your precious Name I pray. AMEN.

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